Author: Paul Hart
The Revolution will be Improvised
Stories and insights about transforming systems A report by Richard Vize for the Systems Leadership Steering Group Revolution will be improvised publication v3[1]
Delivering ‘less with less’
‘Charles Leadbeater shared a number of case studies of practice of inspirational public service leaders who are finding new and innovative ways to tackle problems such as: reducing childhood obesity; reducing the number of young people engaged in violence, and coping with loneliness in old age. Given that you as public sector leaders will be increasingly charged…
Daniel Kahneman
Engaging the reader in a lively conversation about how we think, Kahneman reveals where we can and cannot trust our intuitions and how we can tap into the benefits of slow thinking. He offers practical and enlightening insights into how choices are made in both our business and our personal lives—and how we can use different techniques to guard against the mental glitches that often get us into trouble. Thinking, Fast and Slow will transform the way you think about thinking.
Systems Leadership – Local Vision
In 2012 representatives from the Department of Health (DH), Public Health England (PHE), the Local Government Association (LGA) and associated leadership development organisations, including the NHS Leadership Academy, Leadership Centre, The Staff College and the Kings Fund, identified the need for a paradigm shift in public sector leadership. The underlying thesis is that organisations, communities, and…
Systems Leadership for Effective Services Report
This brief thinkpiece summarises the key features of a model of leadership that is increasingly being accepted as the most appropriate way of describing what Directors of Children’s Services in England do when they are at their most effective. Termed ‘systems leadership’, it echoes the way in which school leadership is being reconstructed by thinkers such…
Systems Innovation Discussion Paper
Why successful innovation goes beyond products Charlie Leadbeater – January 2013 Steve Jobs was often late. Apple has not always been first to market with cutting edge technology. Often it turned up when the party had got going but before it was in full swing. Apple brought some of its key products to market only…
The research report
In 2013, the Staff College, formally known as the Virtual Staff College (VSC), commissioned The Colebrooke Centre in collaboration with the Cass Business School, to carry out the first major UK study of systems leadership for public services. Given the degree of volatility and uncertainty currently dominating decisions public service leaders are having to make,…