In order to gain maximum benefit from their participation in the programme, we would like to invite place teams to work with an experienced Leadership for Change Coach throughout the duration of their participation in the programme.
To provide the type of ‘on the ground’ support that is often required to make change in complex systems, we have established a pool of exceptional Leadership for Change Coaches. This page shows all of the current Leadership for Change Coaches, including a short pen portrait and a full CV for each, and we would invite you to select a coach whose profile you think best meets the needs of your particular place. The Staff College can provide further guidance if required.
The Staff College will broker relationships between place teams and coaches but in order to ensure maximum flexibility, beyond this point, it will be for place teams or individuals to contract directly with the Coach.
We recognise that in some cases place teams and/or individuals may already have pre-existing coaching relationships or be working with an enabler as part of a different systems leadership initiative, in these circumstances we would recommend that they seek to extend that relationship to include supporting them through the Leadership for Change Programme.
This particular element of the programme is not funded and therefore place teams, in working with their coach, will need to agree the level of the support and pay for it directly. All coaches will charge the same per day rate of £750 + VAT if applicable.
Should place teams want their coaches to attend any of residential one in June the programme will fund one night’s accommodation and all meals for the coach, but any daily fee or travel and subsistence expenses incurred should be paid for by the place teams themselves.
For help in brokering a relationship with a Leadership for Change Coach, or for any other queries please email the team at [email protected]
Lesley Campbell
Lesley has recently established her own coaching and leadership development consultancy and is a close OPM (Office for Public Management) associate, an associate with Berkshire Consulting and senior associate with INLOGOV. She served on OPM’s Board of Directors for six years, contributing to the strategic decisions of the company and with overall responsibility for OPM’s portfolio of work in leadership and organisational development. She is highly skilled at designing and delivering a range of development interventions.
Jo Cleary
Jo has extensive experience in both central and local government as a commissioner, provider and regulator, with a successful track record of transformation and performance improvement, as well as a national reputation in workforce and leadership development. She now works as an executive coach and facilitator in both the public and private sector: on New Directors and Future Leaders programmes, on a Women’s Leadership programme for an international pharmaceutical company, for the Marketing Academy on their new leaders programme and as an ‘enabler’ for the Systems Leadership:Local Vision programme. She is also chair of The College of Social Work.
Mari Davis
Mari specialises in creating system change interventions through better working between public sector organisations, politicians and communities. She has extensive experience working with Public Narrative as a leadership practice to mobilise others to take action and uses this in the context of creating movements for change in public services. Mari has been a well-regarded ‘Leadership for Change’ Coach, supporting Telford, Solihull and Devon Place Teams.
Liz Goold
Liz has 28 years’ experience working as an Organisation Development practitioner, leadership developer, action learning facilitator and executive/leadership team coach. She has facilitated a number of national systems leadership development programmes including ‘Leadership for Change’ and ‘Skills for Systems Leadership’ with Public Health, as well as supporting systems leadership development and change with local authorities and in health and social care integration. For the last 7 years she was the lead for OD at the Office for Public Management (OPM) and she now works on an independent basis. She brings a background of working in international development and in the Third Sector which gives her an ability to work well across organisational, sector, cultural and professional boundaries. Liz has extensive experience of working with a range of leadership teams and Boards in the NHS and local government to build their collective leadership capacity, handle differences, have courageous conversations and navigate change in a complex, challenging environment.
Sue Goss
Sue has over twenty years experience of working at top level across public services; writing widely about leadership and public services and specialising in systems leadership, organisational development and public sector futures. She is a currently a ‘system enabler’ for two pilot sites attempting large scale ‘whole system change’ in health and social care – supporting a network of leaders at different levels in a range of organisations to build trust, relationships and shared purpose.
Matt Gott
Matt is an experienced change leader, facilitator and coach. He has worked across the public sector as a regulator, in Whitehall and with European cities, and as an executive director of a local authority. His interest lies in the potential of new relationships between citizens, service users and organisations to creatively disrupt, enabling innovation locally and across systems, using design thinking and methods.
Chris Lawrence-Pietroni
Chris’ work focuses on achieving sustainable systems change across public services in the UK and the US. Building on over 15 years of experience in local government working with senior leaders on the design of innovative service improvement and community engagements strategies, his work now focuses on the intersection between service design, leadership development and community empowerment.
David Love
David is an experienced leadership development practitioner and executive coach, working with senior managers in the NHS, local government, children’s services and the education sector. He is also an experienced leadership development and OD practitioner and worked for 13 years with the Office for Public Management, where in the later years he was Head of Leadership Development and responsible for the organisation’s coaching work.
Julia Morrison
Julia is an experienced leadership coach, working with senior managers in the NHS, local government, voluntary and private sectors. She is a well regarded learning co-ordinator and coach on the ‘Leading for Change’ and ‘Future Directors’ programmes, and coaches Children’s Services leaders as an associate of the Staff College. Julia specialises in supporting systems change by helping leadership teams and individuals to consolidate their learning and apply it within their own complex environments.
Di Neale
Di has significant experience as a systemic leadership enabler, facilitator and coach on a wide range of change programmes, As a coach on key national programmes such as Leadership for Change, Future Directors and New Directors, Di has supported leaders to consolidate their learning and develop further confidence and skill in applying leading edge leadership approaches in their local systems.